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Scientific selection and use of pesticides

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Scientific selection and use of pesticides

pubdate:2019-11-13 00:00 source:http://m.gzzjgm.com Click:

With the development of modern agriculture in China and the emphasis on environmental protection, people have put forward higher requirements for pesticides and their use technologies. In order to guide farmers to choose and use pesticides, the following issues should be noted. Synthetic ammonia manufacturers

1. It is necessary to clarify the performance characteristics of pesticide varieties

1. General situation of pesticide production The pesticide varieties currently produced in my country are divided into pesticides, acaricides, fungicides, nematicides, herbicides, plant growth regulators and rodenticides. Chemically synthesized pesticides must be processed into a certain dosage form, and the preparations or mixed preparations of different specifications are the commercial pesticides on the market. Because the same preparation is produced by different manufacturers, the packaging specifications and the used trade names are also different.

2. Performance characteristics of various types of pesticides Pesticides are an agricultural toxicant with selectivity to different organisms. For example, insecticides can be classified into contact agents, stomach poisons, systemic agents and fumigants according to their mode of action; acaricides It is divided into those that only kill adults and nymphs, and those that only kill eggs and nymphs; fungicides are divided into protective agents, systemic therapeutic agents and protective therapeutic mixtures; herbicides are divided into stem and leaf treatment agents and soil treatment agents.

3. Carefully read the instructions and the instructions on the bottle label. According to relevant regulations, the following items must be marked on the outer packaging of pesticides in my country:

(1) Generic name of pesticides: There are two ways to express pesticides on the market: generic name and brand name. The brand name is like a person's "milk name" and cannot be used alone, especially once someone takes it by mistake, it is difficult for doctors to treat the symptoms. The generic name of the drug must be attached, and the generic name cannot only be in English.


(2) Active ingredient content: marked by percentage content, the same drug name, the content is different, the dosage is also different.

(3) Control target, dosage and method of use: The control target of the agent should be specified according to the scope of registration, and the dosage and method of use should be specific.

(4) Safety interval: the number of days from the last application to harvest. If it is used on vegetables, the pesticide in the product can be decomposed only after the specified number of days is reached.

(5) Matters needing attention: mainly aiming at the characteristics of the medicine, reminding people of the problems that should be paid attention to in storage, transportation and use.

2. Several problems in the current use of pesticides

1. Only recognize the reputation of the trade name, but don’t understand the generic name and its performance characteristics. After a period of use of pesticides, due to the continuous improvement in resistance and the decline in efficacy, people are eagerly looking forward to the emergence of new pesticides, and some people pursue them one-sidedly. A pesticide with a strange reputation. For this reason, some companies have made a big fuss on pesticide product names. These ambiguous pesticide names have made it more difficult for people to choose pesticides.

2. Blindly mixed use Many people find that the control effect of a certain chemical is not ideal when using a single chemical, so they indiscriminately mix several chemical agents. The result not only fails to achieve its purpose, but causes serious phytotoxicity, or delays the opportunity for prevention and treatment. .

3. One-sided pursuit of quick-acting. In the prevention and control of pests and diseases, field surveys should also be used as a guide, depending on the situation in the field to decide whether to control or not. General pests are more sensitive to pesticides at the young stage of larvae, and it is difficult to control after the third instar larvae. Plant diseases are also effective when they first occur. Often in production, it is difficult for people to seize the best time for prevention and control. After pesticides are used, there is a process to exert their efficacy. Generally, pyrethroid insecticides have a faster effect, but specific insecticides have a slower effect. . Most users require high-efficiency medicines, and it is difficult to accept slow-acting medicines. Therefore, pyrethroids and pyrethroid-containing mixtures are popular. However, major agricultural pests such as cotton bollworm, beet armyworm, diamondback moth and other major agricultural pests are prone to severe resistance to pyrethroids. The poisoned pests are easier to recover, and the damage is more severe after recovery, making it more difficult to control.

4. Improper pesticide method The prevention and control of agricultural diseases and insect pests emphasizes the proper application and method. For example, the larvae of beet armyworm damage the leaf surface from the evening of a sunny day to before 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day. When the light is strong, they will hide and have pseudo-death. The liquid medicine should be sprayed on the insect body when it is harmful to obtain a good control effect. To control cotton aphids, greenhouse whitefly and red spiders, spray pesticides on the back of the leaves, and spray only on the surface to control their harm. Spraying phoxim and other photodegradable agents should also be carried out in the evening.

5. Most sprayers do not meet the requirements. According to surveys and farmers’ reports from various places, the qualification rate of agricultural sprayers sold in my country is low, and farmers also have certain problems with the use and storage of sprayers.

Therefore, the waste of pesticides caused by sprayer leakage and poor atomization in use is very alarming, and the sprayer may also be leached by the liquid and cause poisoning.

In fact, there are still many problems in the use of pesticides, especially the phenomenon of unauthorized use beyond the scope. In order to realize the sustainable development of agriculture in our country, produce high-yield, high-quality, and safe agricultural products, so that people can eat assured grains, assured vegetables, and assured fruits, it is recommended that the whole society be concerned about the scientific use of pesticides.

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